Highlands Taproom – the faces of evil run willd on Bardstown Road

mason agents

Here we see three sodomites flash Mason hand gestures. Not shocking as Masonic rituals are nothing more than Satanic ritual.

Low IQ African Bushman smiles as lesbians marry and seek to molest children.

Gays get drunk to later commit vile sex acts on animals and underage children.

Seen here, two gay men (I think) show their clear hatred of Jesus Christ.




12 responses to “Highlands Taproom – the faces of evil run willd on Bardstown Road

  1. I honestly can’t tell if this is just a troll doing a really horrible job or if our Dark Lord Satan is truly winning. Heaven will fall. Hail Lucifer.


      • Well Pastor Davis you have broken law and harassment me and my Friends and stolen my pictures of me and two my another friends are in that picture . You got 24 Hours to take Down or I will take you to court!! all photos of my mined are property of ME! and any images and any use with out consent of ME . Would led into photographer with result in legal action — within Louisville, Kentucky.


      • Aww. Someone’s not getting enough pussy at home. Us lesbians are taking them all because everyone knows girls do it better.


  2. Wow a pastor calling someone a whore for expressing her feelings towards how dirty he’s making his church seem like. People smiling but there gonna go molest children like that makes since. This shows me how uneducated you really are. And God loves everyone no matter if there gay or straight it even says do not judge people for who they are. Some pastor you are.


  3. Too bad that racist fuck in South Carolina didn’t wax your brains on the pavement. You’re the kind of worm that deserves to be taken out of the gene pool.


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