Retardation is a choice and sin!

When I was growing up nobody was retarded. Sure, you had dumb people. But I never met one person with down syndrome or this other modern-day nonsense we hear about daily these days.

Millions, if not billions of dollars are wasted yearly on “mental illness”. God-loving tax payers is forced to pay for these lazy people. Think about it for a second. Have you ever known someone who fakes being sick to avoid going to school? Do you know someone who fakes a cold to miss work? Retards are no different. They play being dumb to avoid military service, working and attending church.

This man can join a gym and win medals. Yet, he fakes this “down syndrome” myth to avoid working and living a Godly life. This is almost as bad as being a homosexual. At least those sodomites normally have jobs.

Again, this “down syndrome” guy lifts weights. I wonder how much welfare he gets weekly?

2 Thessalonians 3:10 -” For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

When we house and feed these sinners, we are disobeying God. Who do you follow? God or this “down syndrome” God hater?

69 responses to “Retardation is a choice and sin!

      • God would agree that Down syndrome is a sin ? are you series dude? i don’t care if you call your self a pastor or not. but you surely need to check up on your faith.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You’re a fucking idiot. That’s right– a FUCKING IDIOT. You’re going to hell in a hand basket. You’d better believe that. You look like a little boy touched, too. You are, aren’t you? Downs isn’t a ‘mental disorder’. It is an extra chromosome, you low life maggot. You cannot “fake” an extra chromosome. God would NEVER allow a bottom feeding, hate spewing, bigot into His kingdom. You are committing sin by turning people away from God instead of bringing them to Him. You’re the reason the world hates Christians today. I wish I could be there the day you are judged. I know my God. He shakes His head in dismay and in sadness at the black in your heart. I will pray for you. No, that’s a lie. I can’t wait until you are faced with the Glory and you weep at Jesus’s feet for all of the wrongs you’ve said. You will apologize and you will cry, and Jesus will forgive you, but you will never forgive yourself. Once you see, you cannot unsee. Be a REAL Christian and take back this hate.


    • You are an abomination! You’re the perfect example of why people think Christians are hateful. You need to go back and read your Bible and stop spewing stupidity. I’d love to tell you to go to hell, but instead I’ll pray for you and let God sort it out!

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  1. I have to agree with the person who wrote the other comment. To see such hate preached in “God’s name” is terribly sad. If you follow the Bible, then please, tell me what you make of all the verses that tell us to take care of the orphans, the widows, and the SICK who can’t take care of themselves. Besides, many of these people actually do get productive jobs in society, despite their illnesses. I’d dare to venture that they work harder than anyone.
    I’m not trying to start a fight; I’m just curious about your beliefs. I never understood how people get stuff like this from the Bible. My Lord went out to the sick and cared for them–while reprimanding their sin . . . AND forgiving them. So . . . what does your Lord do?


      • This morning I woke up and decided to say I have down syndrome to get out of work. Wait! No I didn’t! Why? Because it doesn’t work that way!
        But hey, let’s ignore the fact that many people with down syndrome have jobs and go to church on a regular basis. Won’t that make you feel better? 🙂
        *sighs* Well, that was fun. Anyway, thanks for this whole blog thing you’re doing here. Gave me a good laugh. I love joke sites as much as anyone, and you, sir, have done an amazing job here. Hats off to you! 😀


      • okay explain to me 1 thing then, why every single person who have down syndrome look alike around the world, no matter what race or country are comming from ? and why they all behave alike, and can kids fake the illness and lie ? why kids behave the same too ? and why most those who have down syndromes in poor countries are exactly like those in modran countries? when no one of those in poor country get social service, because they are no such a thing like that in those poor countries

        ( iam from poor country )


    • We do forgive retards. As soon as they repent and stop being retarded God deniers, we shall accept them as brothers and sisters.


  2. I cant believe you are for real! Ill tell you one thing, when you pass and cross over to the other side you will have a rude awakening. You follow satan not the Savior. There is a difference in people being lazy and being dishonest then being born with a disability. These special spirits are being protected by our Heavenly Father. They have already made it to the celestial kingdom. I pray you will change your thinking. The Savior loves everyone of us. For us he bled and suffered in the Garden of Gethsemene so we could have eternal life and come to this earth to have a body of flesh and bones. Through his atonement we can repent of our wrong doings. I pray you will sincerely go to Heavenly Father in sincere prayer seeking the truth and asking for forgiveness.


  3. Lol. A good woman would beat you with the broom to knock some since into your head. Tell Adolf Hitler hello, you’ll be spending a lot of time with him once this planet is graced with your permanent absense. Take some sun screen.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You obviously enjoy drama and conflict by removing my intelligent original post and leaving your string. Glad to know it struck a nerve. That feeling is guilt

    God bless your troubled soul.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Like to say like 30 plus years ago He didn’t see people like them growing up because about 90% of them where either in hospitals or locked in there families basement because it was labeled as an embarrassment on the family. Do your research a little more and there are way easier ways to get out of being in the military then faking mental retardation.


  6. If you are a Pastor I hate to think what God you serve. You are a low life disgusting excuse for a human being. All you know how to do is sow hate and discontent. I will pray that you go to the Hell you so justly deserve. IDIOT!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Words can describe how ignorant and completely wrong you are. You are uneducated and cruel. Whatever happened to love thy neighbor? I
    thank God that you are in the great minority of people who think this way.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You need to immediately remove the pictures. You stole them and they do not belong to you. You are a vile creature but I am confident that you already know this. It is very telling about you that you choose to pick on the most vulnerable people, the people who have intellectual disability. You are certainly not a man of God. You work for Satan himself and you sit on a throne of lies yourself. I don’t think the family of these people whose pictures you have stolen and posted are going to like it either. You are being mean and hurtful and I believe that it is your intention to just get people riled up. I admit it angered me at first but now I realize how sad and pathetic your life must be that you spend your time purposefully trying to engage and enrage people. I cannot believe that you are as ignorant as your words indicate.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Sir, Please let me explain something to you and I care not what you say in return.

    Disabilities are not sins, they are God creating something that is more unique than the rest of us.

    As for the rest of your comments, Your god is an alien. Sorry.

    Now on to your sexist visions…. You sir need to step out of the 1800’s and into the now. Women wear pants, have jobs, and even Oh my goodness, have babies without husbands…. You sound like one of those closet perverts that dress in women’s clothing and masturbate to photos of livestock and children.

    I have no hesitation to state that I myself believe in a higher power, but I am not sure exactly what it is… Yes, that would make me what you call a sinner. I wear pants, have sex all the time, have had children and i wasn’t married, I have been divorced and I most likely make more money than you do.

    Jesus was married to a whore. Most of the people in the Bible were gay, and yet no one tried to cast demons out of them. My guess is that you happen to Pentecostal. If you plan to drink the Kool-Aid make sure there is enough poison in it to kill you and your stupidity.


  10. Down’s Syndrome cannot be faked. Period. It’s not a mental illness, it is a genetic mutation in which a person is born with an extra 21 chromosome. It’s a genetic medical disorder causing developmental and intellectual abnormalities and delays. It causes the following, Developmental: delayed development, learning disability, short stature, or speech delay in a child
    Cognitive: intellectual disability or difficulty thinking and understanding
    Mouth: abnormally large tongue or displacement of the tongue
    Also common: bent little finger, congenital heart disease, deafness, flaccid muscles, immunodeficiency, lazy eye, low-set ears, mouth breathing, obesity, single line on palm, spots in the eye, thyroid disease, or vision disorder. But I suppose people fake that, as well, right? So, “Pastor,” I’d love to see your medical degree. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. 🙂


  11. Interesting how you are not answering my comment. But everyone who really gets to you! Guess you really got your wish and got people enraged. You better be thankful my boys pic isn’t shown or you would really be dealing with demons. Again, BURN baby!!!!!

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      • I would love for you to come say that to the face of my disabled brother. He has Spina Bifida. He would knock your old ass in the dirt and not think twice. People like you lead him to believe that he would be able to walk and “tried to cast demons out of him”…. Know what you people did… Nothing but break him. An innocent child. If I ever see you in public, I will not hesitate to bloody your face.

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  12. First this down syndrome is real. The child is missing a chromosome. When a person is pregnant the doctor says the child can be aborted since they have a medical condition. The doctor ccan not see if a child is gay in the womb. Second this person works. He is a bagger at a store. He lifts weighs in his off time.
    The medal that he wears is from special Olympus.
    I am a christian. I was baptized for the forgiveness of my sins. I attend the church of christ. I believe homosexuality is a sin. In the bible it says love the sinner not the sin. I have a multiple sclerosis. I have spots on my brain and spinal cord. I am considered disabled so the government pays me. I am in a wheelchair but I do take care of my daughter when she is with me. I volunteer once a week at a store. I am divorced but I know that God still loves me.
    If I was disabled when I was younger I could have been in special Olympics.


      • Special Olympics is not evil. You say that you are a pastor but all the pastors I have ever known never I mean never would criticized people who have disabilities because they are true men of God and I also know a woman who is a pastor and she never criticized people with disabilities like you are doing. My own pastor has said that GOD loves us for who we are on the inside not what we look like on the outside. So stop being a jerk and criticizing people who have disabilities.


      • If your pastor said God loves us all, he’s a liar.

        God even said he hated Esau. That’s one of many examples of your pastor lying.

        Anything else ignorant you want to say?


  13. Ok I have a serious question for this so called pastor some kids born with Down syndrome the parents don’t even know they have it until they are born so please tell me how it’s a sin please tell me how you are a pastor because my pastor doesn’t talk to people the way you are talking to people or putting people with Down syndrome down you are not a pastor yout a damn troll let me get my pastor to talk to you to show you what a real pastor is like bc it’s definitely not like you I have a daughter with Down syndrome she and her sister is my whole world now I just pray that one of your kids have a baby with a disability so you know how precious the babies are u just better hope I never see you in public God bless you I would say have fun burning in hell but that’s judgin just like you are doing and I know it’s in the bible thou shall not judge but God bless you


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